Friday, November 30, 2012

With the Holidays upon us this month, I managed to get some information from a few of the other moderators about gifts they're looking forward to the most and what festivities they're the most excited about. 


"Well, I'm getting Epic Mickey 2 for my birthday (which is on the 3rd), so it'll be great to play that with my sister. I'm also getting Wonderbook: Book Of Spells which should be a lot of fun on Christmas day with all the family. Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale and LittleBigPlanet Karting are on my list, so if Santa leaves me those, it's a multiplayer Christmas this year! Otherwise, I'm waiting for Ni No Kuni in January - already preordered the Wizard edition like a boss. 
So I'm likely to be kicking it on my PS3, but I've also got some other plans. A bit of winter sun in Tenerife, and a lot of coursework; that novel for my project is not going to write itself. And of course, December has a lot of good food so expect me to be posting up some homemade creations in RBL's food thread!"


"In the run up to Christmas I imagine I'll be having my backside handed to me on Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale by MitchJay1992 and whoever else decides to gang up on me. I'm spending Christmas day with my grandparents so Cluedo and Monopoly are the only games I'll be playing on the day but my birthday is the next day (26th) so hopefully if I get some money for Christmas and birthday then I'll be able to pick up the AC3 season pass and get some games in the sales like Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 and maybe put some money towards Ni No Kuni or possibly even Bioshock Infinite."


"I'll spend X-mas with family and have about a week or so off. I think I might get out on the bike, play some game and do a wasgij or 2. could even be on Tinychat if people are on there.
Well I could be working though the X-mas new year, till the renovations at work start."

The Next Big Thing

While some of you have been hyped up about the new game pages introduced recently, especially those busy with all of your content submissions, others haven't been too happy about problems with the tracking system. However, have no fear because the first public stages of the next big change to Playfire is right around the corner, in the form of a brand new tracking system. If you've been paying attention to all of the progress reports in the developer blog, you should know that it's expected that a beta for the new tracking system should be out within the month!

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